
Yasir Qadhi

Thirty-five years ago today, on 20th November 1979, corresponding to 1st Muharram 1400AH of the Islamic calender, as the Imam of Makkah finished the Fajr prayer signaling the dawn of a new century of the Islamic calender, a group of overzealous rebels took the holiest place on earth as hostage claiming they have the promised Mahdi in their midst.

These rebels were not pagans or idol worshipers; on the contrary, they were, outwardly at least, pious Muslims. Many of them were Hufadh of the Qur’an and students of knowledge.

Knowledge is indeed power, but when this knowledge is driven by emotion & rage it becomes a powerfully-lethal force that can lead to fanaticism!

Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he unveils a forgotten dark chapter of recent Islamic history where the holy sanctuary of the Ka’bah was turned into a war zone! And see how we can benefit from this recent incident in light of fanaticism rampant in our own times.

Click here to watch the complete talk:

For more information on the hijacking of the Ka’bah in 1979 click here:


Yasir Qadhi

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