Welcome to the orientation session of “Arabic for Kids” by Source Code Academia! In this exciting video, we introduce you to our unique program designed to teach Arabic language skills to children. Join us as we embark on an engaging and interactive journey that makes learning Arabic enjoyable for kids.

✅ Course objective:

The sense and fluency of Arabic is close to impossible learning a second language online when that language is not spoken by the household members.

However we know the importance of that age in terms of learning any language as well as the importance of Arabic in that age. It’s the ideal age if a child can learn Arabic in that age to gain momentum of his future years and build a deeper base and conquer the linguistic side of the Arabic literature and philosophy.

Our course is designed around activities and group interaction. It’s a course that caters to children with zero exposure to Arabic and starts whit phonetics to fluency in 18 months.


Through rigorous group interactions and activities around the language. The child would be immersed in Arabic speaking opportunities designed around games and activities with other children of the group where he/she will slowly take off and go to higher altitudes inshaAllah.

To enroll and for more detailed information, please visit our official website: https://sourcecode.academy/

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