
Dr. Zakir Naik

Since there was no Media at the time of the Prophet (Pbuh), Can you Prove from Quran and Hadeeth that Media is Permissible – Dr Zakir Naik


Questioner: Assalam Wa Alaikum! Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu! My name is Khalid Hussain and I’m working as an electrical engineer in ETA Ascon group of companies. My question is does Islam permit media because during the time of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) there was no any means of mass communication mentioned by you so could you please justify by quoting any of the Surahs or any Sahih hadith? Thank you.

Dr. Zakir: The brother has posed a question that at the time of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) there was no mass media so does Islam permit media can you quote the Qur’anic verse or hadith. Brother point to be noted as far as Ibadah is concerned what is mentioned is Fard. Is the law of the Shariah, in other things in the Maamlat in day to day life what is mentioned is Haram is Haram everything else is Halal. For E.g. Pork is Haraam, alcohol is haram, what is not mentioned is Halal. I’m asking you a question is there any Hadith or Qur’anic verse which says you can have mango? Is there any hadith? So will you say Mango is haraam? So in terms of worship what is mentioned is Fard, only do that nothing else. In terms of how to lead a life what is mentioned Haraam is Haraam, everything is Halal. So tomorrow you’ll ask me Brother Zakir why are you eating Mango? And I love Mango haan… Because I come from India. And I’m proud of my country & I’m proud of the mango of my country.

So first of all you should give me contrary proof that a hadith or a Quarnic verse saying media is haraam. Yet, yet, yet brother I will give you proof. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), what he did? He dictated letters to non Muslim kings, to the kings of Abyssinia, king of Yemen, of Persia, asking them quoting the verse of the

Qur’an Surah Ali Imran ch. 3 verse no. 64
“Qul ya ahla alkitab”
“Say, O People of the Book”

“Ta’alawila kalimatin sawa-in baynana wabaynakum”
“come to common terms as between us and you.

which is the first term?

“Allah na’buda illa Allaha wala nushrika bihishay-an”
“that we associate no partners with him”.

“wala yattakhiza ba’dunabadan arbaban min dooni Allahi”
“that we erect not among ourselves Lords & patrons other than Allah.”

“And if they turn back”

“faqooloo ishhadoo”
“See ye bear witness”

“bi-anna Muslimoon”
“that we are Muslims bowing our will to Allah.”

he dictated letters & he send them on horses today it is Mercedes car or whatever you want to call, jet planes. In different directions asking them to accept Islam that was media that time. Imaging dictating letters, after dictating arranging horsemen to go in different directions. He utilized the media to the best of his ability what he had. Wallah, today if Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)was alive, I feel he would have used the media to the best of his ability but within the purview of the Islamic Shariah. Not utilizing anything which is Haraam. Haraam things should not be used but what is Halaal like a knife can be used for good purpose and bad purpose, so knife per se is not Haraam so media per se is not Haraam though majority things on the media are Haraam. What we’ve to do is use it in a halaal way turn the tables over…

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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