

Welcome to another episode of our captivating “Discussion Forum”, held on 23rd July, as we delve into the fascinating realm of intellectual warfare, where the battle is fought not with physical weapons, but with the mastery of asking the right and bigger questions. In this thought-provoking session, Team Leaders of IMS from diverse fields come together to explore the art of questioning, a skill that can transform how we perceive the world and uncover profound truths.

Prepare to be inspired as our Team Leaders share their insights on the importance of asking thought-provoking questions that challenge conventional wisdom and push the boundaries of knowledge. Discover how asking the right questions can lead to groundbreaking discoveries, innovative solutions, and a deeper understanding of complex issues.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and leave your comments below, as we encourage an open exchange of ideas and insights. Together, let’s embark on a journey of intellectual warfare, where the quest for profound questions leads us to new frontiers of understanding.

#islamicmessagingsystem #ims #sahiladeem



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