
Dr. Zakir Naik

Allegation : Does Dr Zakir Naik encourage wife beating or wife bashing?

The Indian media also alleged that ‘Dr Zakir Naik encourages wife beating or wife bashing’, this is again an allegation and it is totally untrue. Nowhere did I ever say that Islam encourages wife beating or wife bashing. Yes, there was a question asked to me and I handle open question answer sessions that “what does the Qur’an say regarding wife beating?” and I said that the Qur’an says in Surah An-Nisaa, Ch.4, V.34 and 35 that when your wife does not listen to you then you should warn her, if yet she does not follow your instruction than you refuse to share the bed and yet if she doesn’t listen, then the Arabic word there is ‘Dharaba’ that means beat her lightly and I said in my answer that this is a symbolic beating and the explanation is given in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in the authentic Hadith that it is like beating with a ‘miswak’, beating with a tooth brush which is a thin stick…


Dr. Zakir Naik

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