
Dr. Zakir Naik

Questioner: This is another question by a non Muslim. Hema Khattar, Usman, she writes ‘you said there are some sheeps in Muslim community doing wrong things which media is propagating. Aren’t these Muslims giving media a chance by doing it in the name of religion which misleads non Muslims?

Dr Zakir: The question posed by the non Muslim is a very good question that there are some Muslims who are black sheeps in the community, aren’t these Muslims giving a chance to the media to propagate wrong things about Islam.

These black sheep Muslims aren’t actually Muslims. A Muslim will never do things which are wrong. A Muslim by definition means that a person who submits his will to All Mighty God. Now these people who are Black Sheep they are sudo Muslims. Their name may be Mohammad, Zakir, Abdullah, Sultan, whatever it is. By name you don’t become a Muslim. You become a Muslim by deeds. When you submit your will to Allah, you become a Muslim. So these people are actually not true Muslims but they have Muslim names. So they aren’t bothered whether they are giving a chance to the media or not because thay aren’t bothered about the religion. Because they’re not bothered about the religion but.. See, they are not bothered so they’re least bothered what’s happening. But I’m blaming the media why is the media picking up the minority? If majority of the Muslims are doing this and then you blame the religion then I’ve got no problem. But they are picking up this minority. Imagine, if I tell you that Hitler incinerated 6 million Jews. Can I blame Christianity for that? If Hitler incinerated 6 million Jews. Killed 6 million Jews, can I blame Christianity for that? No, because no where does the Bible say that you’ve to kill and incinerate 6 million Jews. It will be devilish on my part. So therefore I am blaming the media more rather than these black sheep.

They’re black sheep they are going to be in every community. And I even speak against the black sheep in many of my lectures. But the media is suppose to portray a picture which is true. They can’t pick up black sheep and portray as though they are exemplary Muslims! Or they should say ‘okay this Muslim has robbed he’s only 1 or 5 or 10 amongst 1 billion Muslims’ I’ve got no problem. They portray as though every Muslim is doing something wrong. If one Muslim is caught in drugs as though majority of the Muslims deal in drugs. So this is what the media portrays which I object to. The media should portray a fair picture. That’s what I want. Hope that answers the question.

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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