
Dr. Zakir Naik

Answer By Dr Zakir Naik,As far as singing and amusement is concerned as long as it is within the boundary of Islamic Shariah, it’s not overdoing oneself and it should not go to a thing which is wrong, its permissible. Within limits, within boundaries, its permissible and there are Hadith speaking about that, there is a Hadith of

Sunan Nasai in the Book of Two Eids Hadith no. 1557 where Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that

“The people of Madinah in the Jahiliyah, they had 2 days of play and amusement of sports and amusement, Allah has replaced it with 2 days of amusement that’s the day of breaking of the fast and the day of sacrificing”


Dr. Zakir Naik

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