
Yasir Qadhi

Jabir Ibn Abdullah was amongst one of the most famous Sahabas. He is originally from a tribe called ‘Banu Salama’. This tribe is famous for various reasons. One of them, there’s a hadith in Sahih Bukhari, which is one of their famous blessings, the Banu Salaam was a tribe that used to live around Masjid Qiblatayn, a well-known Masjid in Madinah.

They would travel to the Prophet’s Masjid every single day for as many prayers as they could, which was approximately a 45 mins walk. They would go there so frequently that they decided to sell their properties, and use the money to purchases houses close the Prophet’s(S) Masjid. When the Prophet(S) heard the news, he advised them not to move closer as Allah will bless them for their footsteps and effort form coming to the Masjid.

The father of Jabir Ibn Abdullah is one of the most famous from the Ansaar. We know very little about him, though this little of information is precious. His name was Abdullah Ibn Haram and was one of the first converts of Madinah. He was one of the original twelve people who gave the first covenant of Aqabah.

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In this series, Lives of The Khulafaa, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the lives of the noble companions, some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of Prophet Muhammad [S].

While not a comprehensive history of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidoon, this series will provide a summarized biography of the men and women considered to be the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet[S]), including the Mothers of the Believers (The Wives of the Prophet).

Presentation Details: April 19, 2017
Location: Memphis Islamic Center


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Yasir Qadhi

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