
Dr. Zakir Naik

Questioner: I’m Mahesh. It was an eloquent and scintillating talk today also. My question is In the holy Qur’an there’s a Surah…ahh.. by Prophet Muhammad, Dhahaba Al Zama. He says the thirst is gone after breaking the fast he says thirst is God and veins are flowing with blood. Can you throw light on that?

Dr. Zakir: What the brother, MashaAllah, has requested the translation of the Dua which we break our fast with. And I appreciate the brother that, MashaAllah, he’s coming and he’s trying to the understand the religion of Peace, the religion of truth. And again I pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) to give him Hidayah. The brother’s asked that what does it mean, the dua, when we break the fast. That when we break the fast we pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) that the thirst is gone and the veins have been vanquished. That before we break the fast we make dua to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) that when we are breaking the fast we are praying that the thirst is gone and we are having the food and the water and we are praying to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) that we were able to complete the fast and now the time of breaking the fast is there and now our thirst is going to be vanquished and our hunger is going to vanquish so that is the Dua. Saying that now that our thirst will go away by the breaking of the fast. This is the dua which we do before breaking the fast. Hope that answers the question.

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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