

Assalamoalikum Team Leaders,

The 7th task (IMS Action Plan) has started

It’s a big step that can make us better leaders and inspire others. Here’s what we’ll do:

Make a Roadmap: We’ll plan our future and set clear goals.

Dive into Seerah: We’ll learn from the experiences and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions.

Grow Together: We’ll create a culture of growth and help our team get better.

Become Leaders: We’ll become leaders who set a good example and inspire others.

Think of Task 7 like building a strong fortress, just like how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions built a strong community. Your presentations will be the starting point for this change.

So, team leaders, let’s step up! Share your presentations and lead the way.

Together, we’ll succeed and influence others to join us.

JazakAllah Khayr



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