
Dr. Zakir Naik

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is more than a Man — Dr Zakir Naik


Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum Dr. Zakir. My name is Shahid, I am a salesman. Like most people I love you as well. Ah.. just like to ask you a question could you define what Eemaan and Aqida is cause ultimately we’d like to die with this.. in this state and also how this can be attained is it only through Da’wah and if so through which method of Da’wah cause there are so many different efforts?

Dr. Zakir Naik: Brother asked the question what is the meaning if Eemaan, what is the meaning of Aqida and if Da’wah then which method of Da’wah. Eemaan means belief you can give a lecture on Eemaan for 5 hours or 10 hours. So what I don’t know do you want me to give a lecture on that, I don’t know. What do you mean Aqida means so you have Aqida in Allah (swt), everything. So you can give a lecture on Eemaan, you can give a lecture on Aqida…

Questioner: Now the reason is because some people seem to say that Prophet (saws) was more than what he was.

Dr. Zakir Naik: So ask the question na… you are asking what is Aqida… Aqida you can give for 10 hours without talking about Muhammad (saws) also. Some people think that Muhammad (saws) is?

Questioner: More than a man or…

Dr. Zakir Naik: Is more than a man? Yes he is more than a man. He is the best human being that we have in the world. He is more than a common man but.. but I know what your question is but he is not Allah (swt). He is a human being, he is far superior than any of us human beings but he is Bashar, he is Bashar, the Qur’an says, he is like a human being, he requires to eat, the required to sleep and he is dead, he was buried in Madinah but he was one of the best exemplary Muslims as Allah says in the Qur’an in

Surah Qalam ch. no. 68 verse no. 4 that

“Verily thou are standeth on the highest standard of character”

Qur’an says in Surah Ahzaab ch. 33 verse no. 21

“Verily in the Prophet you shall find the most beautiful pattern of conduct”

So as a human being, he is the best exemplary Muslim, Alhumdulillah but he was a Prophet of God when we worship we have to worship Allah (swt) directly we don’t have to go through anyone, we have to ask Him directly and no one else.

As far as how to do Da’wah, do Da’wah according to the Qur’an and Sunnah as per the guidelines laid down by the Qur’an and Sunnah and if you go to our website, you’ll find a lot of information on that. Hope that answers the question.

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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