
Sahil A. Podcast

Welcome to a transformative session on Muslim Identity at Lahore School of Economics (LSE) by Sahil Adeem. As part of his groundbreaking Muslim Identity campaign, Sahil Adeem passionately travels across Pakistan to connect with Muslim youth and dispel stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding their identity. Through thought-provoking discussions, Sahil Adeem delves into the essence of being a true Muslim in today’s world, encouraging self-reflection and a deeper understanding of Islam’s core principles. Join Sahil Adeem at LSE as he shares his wealth of knowledge, personal experiences, and spiritual insights, offering a unique opportunity for the Muslim youth of Pakistan to embark on a journey of self-discovery and rediscover the beauty and strength of their Muslim identity.
Others Muslim Identity Sessions:

Muslim Identity Session | The Next Step | Sahil Adeem | Lahore 2023

Muslim Identity Session 2023 | COMSATS Islamabad | Sahil Adeem | 1st June 2023

To enroll in Sahil Adeem’s courses, please visit the official website:

To connect with Sahil Adeem on other social media platforms, you can follow him at

#sahiladeem #muslimidentity #LSE #sahiladeematlSE #IMS


Sahil A. Podcast

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