
Yasir Qadhi

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Surat Ya-Sin and Ar-Rahman are laden with signs and messages that give glad tidings or forewarn of an impending future.

The missed call that changed your life… is the call you wish you never ignored

Those feelings of deep regret take you back to the signs you wish you heeded:

Your mother’s recurring voice; the warnings on the label; the signs on that long, dreary road; but above all else… the divine messages sent down from Allah (swt) for your direct attention.

Nothing SHAKES a person’s world more so than…

DENIAL – Tafseer Surat Ya-Sin & Surat Ar-Rahman

Allah (swt) has stated endless times in the Quran that He has made His signs very clear. What are these signs, and why has mankind proven throughout the eras to be neglectful of these signs?


Clear signs are of no use if you’re looking through a haze. That’s the fog in your mind blinding and distracting you from the reality of your situation.


Yasir Qadhi

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