Category: Dr. Zakir Naik

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If we die in Month of Ramadan? Is the gates of Paradise and Hell are open?

276 Views0 Comments

Answer By Dr Zakir Naik,

Different Categories of People not Eligible to Receive the Zakaat

267 Views0 Comments

Answered by Dr Zakir Nain,Amongst the categories who are not eligible, those who do not fall in the 8 categories

Different Between Sadaqa and Zakaat? by dr zakir naik

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By Zakir Naik,By definition Zakaat means to purify, to increase, it means goodness, it means blessings and Sadaqa comes from

What is the Wisdom of Zakat?

282 Views0 Comments

Answered by Zakir Naik,: Amongst the categories who are not eligible, those who do not fall in the 8 categories

Benefits of Zakath in Mentaining the Economy?

293 Views0 Comments

Answered By Dr Zakir Naik,As far as economy of a society concerned unlike capitalism or socialism the economic order of

Things which a Muslim does not have to pay Zakaah On

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Answered By Zakir Naik

A sister does not have any wealth apart from jewelry, pay the Zakaat on it?

307 Views0 Comments

Answer By Dr Zakir Naik

Should a person spit having rinsed or washed his mouth out generally or after making Wudhu

263 Views0 Comments

Answer By Dr Zakir Naik,Normally when people fast there are some people who think that after you gargle your mouth

Cleaning the nose or mouth with water during the fasting ?

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Answer By Dr Zakir Naik,That means the Prophet recommended that you should snuff, put the water excessively in your nose

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